Monday, September 30, 2019

Badminton Essay Essay

Self-efficacy and social influences are two guiding principles in the study of sociology of sport. Self-efficacy is an individual’s personal estimate of confidence in his or her capability to accomplish a certain level of performance, whereas social influence occurs when others affect one’s emotions, opinions, behaviors and choices. These sociocultural factors are linked to Figueroa’s framework, which influence my participation in badminton. In this essay, the focus in on self-efficacy and social stigma-related socio-cultural factors, which are constituent elements in the sports socialization process and have influenced my active involvement in Badminton. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the impact that sociocultural influences have had on my decision to play on the Moreton Bay College badminton team. Professor Peter Figueroa developed a tool also known as Figueroa’s Framework, which investigates the issues surrounding access, equity and equality in sport and physical activity. It is structured over five different levels: individual, interpersonal, institutional, structural and cultural, these areas are used to investigate the ways in which inequities challenge the area of sport and physical activity. All five levels connect within each other and they all influence the shaping of the overall effect. They show the different functions that reinforce, create, remove and eliminate barriers and inequities within sport and physical activity. The level of Figeuroa’s Framework that affects my participation in badminton the greatest was the interpersonal level and individual level. The interpersonal level of Figueroa’s framework is used to investigate the relationships that affect whether an individual will develop a lifelong association with sport. Most individuals ar e influenced directly or indirectly by the people around them such as parents, peers, siblings, teachers, coaches, or sporting role models. In particular, one barrier that had an impact upon my participation in Badminton is self-efficacy. The theory of self-efficacy â€Å"was developed within the framework of social cognitive theory, which views individuals as proactive agents in the regulation of their cognition, motivation, actions,  and emotions.† When playing badminton I feel vulnerable to this problem of self-efficacy as my self-esteem is affected by my performance because I feel as if I am judged by how well I perform. As I have such high expectations to perform well in badminton, I am very critical and hard on myself. This leads to poor self-efficacy which forces me to believe I do not have the capability for success in Badminton. Someone with high self-efficacy is confident and motivated to work toward a learning goal and someone such as myself with low self-efficacy in badminton is not as motivated, which effects how much effort is put into a particular task. Self-efficacy is based on a social learning theory and is a construct that affects motivation and thus can promote or inhibit learning different skills. Consequently, as Allender et al. (2006) suggests, when an individual has limited confidence in their own ability to perform, enjoyment levels decline and inevitably, participation ceases. Pratt et al. (1999) found that perceived competence and sport ability beliefs had a â€Å"strong and direct impact on enjoyment†. As enjoyment is a precursor to ongoing participation, it is thus evident that self-efficacy is an important factor in my participation in Badminton. A study by McCarthy, Jones and Clark-Carter (2008) investigated the sources of enjoyment reported by youth sport participants and found that positive parental involvement was one of the most frequently reported results by young males and females. This implies that when children in sport perceive parental involvement as positive, they are more likely to enjoy their sporting experience. When we are young, our families influence us more than outsiders do. If your parents played sports, took you to sporting contests, helped you learn basic sport skills, and encouraged you to participate, chances are you gave sports a try. It has been proven that parental influence extends to the parents perception of the sports their children choose to participate in. That is, parents can transmit values through communicating their beliefs, acceptance, and support to their child’s participation in sport. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of parental interpretation, often showing th at too much parental feedback causes undue stress in young athletes and can cause them not to participate in certain sports, but the appropriate amounts of encouragement and support can increase enjoyment and longevity of the athletes’ involvement. Parental  interpretation is a powerful mechanism because it communicates expected and valued behaviors. Children internalize parental values and expectations therefore; children try to behave in ways that maximize their acceptance in the social setting. Thus, as my parents communicate that they do not value badminton as an exceptional sport, it is unlikely for me to participate in this sport. Also as my parents are not actively involved, nor intentionally provide sporting experiences for the sport of badminton; it is very unlikely that I was ever exposed to the sporting world of badminton as a child. In conclusion, self-efficacy and social influences are two of the central motives that have influenced my decision to play on the college badminton team. These sociocultural factors target the Interpersonal and Structural level of Figueroa’s framework. The influence of outsiders such as family and peers and my perceived capability at a particular time to perform the specified badminton skills has led me to the decision of not participating in the Moreton Bay College badminton team.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Clausewitz in the 21st Century

Clausewitz lived in a time where battles were fought in columns and lines, with soldiers using muskets and solid-shot cannon; when states were the exclusive actors in war; when technological change occurred over decades, if not centuries. What relevance could his work therefore have for the strategic problems of the 21st century? Introduction Clausewitz was not a cookbook writer. He was not looking for hard and fast rules for conducting war, which he eschews.Indeed, Clausewitzian theories elaborated at different periods of time are in close conjunction with the prevalent political, strategic, and military context, which is completely consonant with Clausewitz’s original conception of his own work: ‘Theory should be study, not doctrine [†¦] It is an analytical investigation leading to a close acquaintance with the subject; applied to experience – in our case, to military history – it leads to thorough familiarity with it.The closer it comes to that goal , the more it proceeds from the objective form of a science to a subjective form of a skill, the more effective it will prove in areas where the nature of the case admits no arbiter but talent. ’ ‘Theory is meant to educate the mind of the future commander, or, more accurately, to guide him in his self-education, not to accompany him to the battlefield. ’ If ‘the absurd difference between theory and practice’ is to be ended, then the correspondence between theory and practice implies the correspondence between the military commander and military thinker.Therefore, ‘self-education’ is important and useful to the military thinker too. He must not be bounded by a single theory of war but with the means to develop his own ideas (objective knowledge of war), fuelled by his talent (subjective capacity and application). The phenomena of war are more diverse than ever: from terrorism to inter-state war, from information war to riots in rural are as, from air strikes to intifada. Loose networks of limited wars have replaced the expectation of a nuclear apocalypse that characterized the Cold War.The differences and contradictions between the various conclusions and corresponding analyses regarding a strategic situation are but a reflection of the variety of military conflicts and the diversity of perspectives from which these conflicts are observed. These perspectives depend on time, culture, and political context. This phenomenon has been analyzed through the concept of strategic culture, that is ‘a distinctive and lasting set of beliefs, values and habits regarding the threat and use of force, which have their roots in such fundamental influences as the geographical setting, history and political culture’.States (e. g. Americans, Europeans, Chinese, Iranians, Indians etc. ) tend to have different perspectives on strategic problems, and the reason for these divergences probably goes beyond the defense of short-t erm interests. The extremely heterogeneous situation of the phenomena of war is analyzed from very different lenses of different strategic cultures, and hence makes states’ theories of war difficult to critique. Moreover, it is difficult to validate the doctrines that reflect these different theories by the use of examples of operational success or failure.Therefore, the need for a theory-of-theories of war remains valid. An overarching theory of war will take into account the influence of the interaction between the thinker and his object and can form the framework required to analyze the strategic debate. Clausewitz thus continues to remain relevant to analyze strategic problems of the 21st century as he had developed a theory about the theory of war. Research ApproachClausewitz recognized that Napoleon had overreached himself and the theoretical significance that a consistent, single military strategy could have different historical outcomes. In his own realization  œ evident in his note of 1827 – that any theory of war had to accommodate two sorts of war: war to overthrow the enemy; and war that is the basis of negotiation with him. Four fundamental contrasts are emphasized between the early and later Clausewitz because they remain central to contemporary debates about his work: (1) The primacy of military force versus the primacy of politics. 2) Existential warfare, or rather warfare related to one’s own identity, which engaged Clausewitz most strongly in his early years, as against the instrumental view of war that prevails in his later work. (3) The pursuit of military success through unlimited violence embodying ‘the principle of destruction’, versus the primacy of limited war and the limitation of violence in war, which loomed increasingly large in Clausewitz’s later years. (4) The primacy of defense as the stronger form of war, versus the promise of decisive results that was embodied in the seizure of of fensive initiative.It is not the intent or purpose of this paper to summarize Clausewitz’s works, given its scope, or to challenge the assertions of specific anti-Clausewitz writers such as Martin van Crevald, John Keegan or even Alvin and Heidi Toffler. The paper will instead highlight the seeming unbounded-ness of war (or armed conflict) and violence in the twenty-first century, and propose a strategy of containment of war and violence. This will relate later Clausewitz’s concepts of war and politics to our current reality. At the outset, I will provide an analysis of Clausewitz’s concept of the nature of war.Additionally, given the research question’s implication that Clausewitz should be marooned due to his lack of regard for ‘non-state actors’ and that his writings were in a time of slow ‘technological change’, I will also demonstrate that Clausewitz was well-aware of the influence of non-state actors and their ability to wa ge war; and his thoughts has continued relevance in our time of rapid technological changes. The Nature of War For Clausewitz, war was likened to a chameleon, allowing for changes to its appearance, but suggesting that its underlying nature remains unchanged.The character of war has certainly changed or morphed since his time. His critics argue that some changes can alter war’s very nature, and the nature of war today is radically different from the nature of war then, the age of Napoleon. In other words, the changes are more fundamental than can simply be accounted by shifting characteristics. The most recent English translation of the text, by Michael Howard and Peter Parat, renders its opening sentence thus: ‘War is more than a true chameleon that slightly adapts its characteristics to the given case. As a total phenomenon its dominant tendencies always make war a remarkable trinity. Clearly, a chameleon remains a chameleon whatever color it adopts for the time being . The crucial two words in the translation are ‘more than’, which imply that the circumstances of war can cause war to change more than its characteristics: War in other words is not like a chameleon. However, this translation did not capture the nuance of Clausewitz’s original: ‘Der Krieg ist also nicht nu rein wahres Chamaleon, weil er in jedem konkreten Fall seine Natur etwas andert, sondern er ist auch seinem Gesamterscheinungen nach, in Beziehung auf die in ihm herrschenden Tendenzen, eine wunderliche Dreifaltigkeit’.The implication here is that war may indeed be a chameleon, in that it changes its nature slightly in each individual case (its ‘character’), but not its nature in general, which is made up of the ‘trinity’ (addressed later). The translation thus reads: ‘War is not only a true chameleon, because it changes its nature slightly in each concrete case, but it also, in it is overall appearance, in relation to its inherent tendencies, a wondrous trinity’. The Primacy of Policy and the ‘Trinity’ War is an instrument of policy. ’ It ‘is simply a continuation of political intercourse, with the addition of other means’. Clausewtiz’s aphorism on the relationship between war and policy was now being dismissed not because war had no utility but because it is being waged for reasons that are not political or policy-driven. Critics argue that Clausewitz no longer have a place in the current strategic and security studies debates, where war was no longer the province of armed forces but also of non-state actors.The question was whether strategy, traditionally-defined, continues to be the best way of looking at what was, revealingly, no longer even called war, but armed conflict. Clausewitz understood a community as having its own political and social identity, even if it lacked statehood. Such an interpretation is consonant with Clausewitz’s own interest in wars before 1648, where he specifically linked the weaknesses of states to ‘exceptional manifestations in the art of war’.In his review of the history of war, he described ‘the semibarbarous Tartars, the republics of antiquity, the feudal lords and trading cities of the Middle Ages, eighteenth-century kings and the rulers and peoples of the nineteenth-century’ as ‘all conducting war in their own particular way, using different methods and pursuing different aims’. Despite this variability, Clausewitz stresses that war is all these cases remains a continuation of their policy by other means. In doing so, however, he suppresses the difference between the policies of states and the intentions of other communities which wage war.Therefore, it makes sense to supplement the primacy of policy as a general category with the affiliation of belligerents to a warring community. If the communities are states, we can speak of politics in th e modern sense; if they are ethnic, religious, or other communities, the value systems and goals of those communities (their ‘cultures’) are the more important factors. Based on this, we could replace Clausewitz’s meaning of state with the notion of it being that of the intentions, aims or values of the â€Å"warring community,† thus remaining much more faithful to his understanding of what a state embodies.Otherwise, we would implicitly express a modern understanding of Clausewitz’s concept of state. Clausewitz’s concepts of war (including armed conflict) and violence continue to be relevant so long as they are motivated by interests and policy and not hate, rage, boredom, the need for personal meaning and bonding. Die Wunderliche Dreifaltigkeit (The Wondrous Trinity) Clausewitz describes the trinity as composed of: (1) Primordial violence, hatred, and enmity, which are regarded as a blind natural force; (2) The play of chance and probabilit y, within which the creative spirit is free to roam; and 3) Its element of subordination, as an instrument of policy, which makes it subject to pure reason. Read in tandem with Clausewitz’s metaphor of war’s appearance from case to case as a chameleon, the trinity addresses the underlying forces that drive those changes. His message was that the relationship among these three elements was inherently unstable and shifting. To quote, ‘the task†¦is to keep our theory [of war] floating among these three tendencies’, and not try to set, or to count on any fixed relationship among them. Clausewitz and a New ContainmentThe Removal of the Inhibitions on War and a New Containment The twenty-first century appeared for a time an age defined by economics and, to a great extent, peace. These expectations quickly disappeared with the massacres and genocides in Africa, return of war to Europe, the 9/11 attacks, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars with their continuing, vi olent consequences and the Arab Springs. A struggle against a new totalitarianism of an Islamic type appears to have started, in which war and violence is commonly perceived as having an unavoidable role, and perceived to be becoming more ‘unbounded’ than ever before.Spatially, the terrorist are potentially ever present. Temporally, there seems no end-in-sight to their attacks. We face new types of threats such as the development of atomic bombs by ‘problematic’ states like Iran and North Korea and the possession of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists. The emergence of China as a potential superpower and perhaps great powers, like India, may lead to a fresh arms dynamic, with the possibility of a nuclear dimension. Violence seems to be going out of rational control, an image that the media has not hesitated to portray.There is a grave portent of mankind confronting a ‘coming anarchy’ of unknown dimensions. Hence, a new strategy of contain ment is needed. There is no longer one exclusive actor to be contained. A strategy for military containment of China similar to that used against the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s, will likely provoke all kinds of crises and even conflict, which such a strategy intends to avoid. Therefore, a different concept of containment is needed, one that is not perceived as a threat by China.The second difference is that current developments in the strategic environment display fundamentally conflicting tendencies. A strategy designed to counter only one of these conflicting tendencies may be problematic with respect to the others. Therefore, there is a need to strike a balance between competing possibilities. The third difference is that the traditional containment was perceived mainly as military deterrence of the Soviet Union. The new containment must combine traditional, military containment on one side and a range of opportunities for cooperation on the other.That is necessary with respect not only to China, but even to political Islam, in order to reduce the appeal of militant Islamic movements to millions of Muslim youths. In response to this unbounded-ness on war and violence, a conception for their containment is needed to provide a sustained and continual limitation through the ‘fencing in and encircling of the same forces’. The guiding perspective is that of a peaceful, or rather a pacified, global society. This perspective cannot be equated with â€Å"peace† since in order to reach this goal, non-peaceful, violent and even military means must in some cases be employed.Clausewitz’s Concept of Politics The defeat of Napoleon was the turning point of Clausewitz’s theory, where he faced the problem of dealing with strategies of limited war within the same conceptual framework as those leading to total defeat of the enemy. He realized that there are very different and even contrasting kinds of war and strategy. The conflicti ng tendencies in war, especially between ‘limited’ and ‘unlimited’ war compelled Clausewitz to conclude that the unifying general principle was politics. However, which kind of politics could serve to contain war and violence in the twenty-first century?Clausewitz’s notions of limited warfare have their foundations in the last parts of book VIII. They find some reflection in book I, chapter 2: ‘Be that as it may, we must always consider that with the conclusion of peace the purpose of the war has been achieved'; and further on: ‘Since war is not an act of senseless passion but is controlled by its political object, the value of this object must determine the sacrifices to be made for it in magnitude and also in duration. ’ In book VIII, he stated: ‘In this way the belligerent is again driven to adopt a middle course.He would act on the principle of using no greater force, and setting himself no greater military aim, than woul d be sufficient for the achievement of his political purpose. To turn this principle into practice, he must renounce the need for absolute success in each given case. ‘ It is a natural step to evolve from his strategy of limited warfare to one of the limitations of war and violence as the overarching purpose of political action in the twenty-first century. This perspective is still based on Clausewitz's statement that war is a continuation of politics by other means, while trying to actualize his concept of politics.Clausewitz describes war on the one hand as a continuation of politics, but on the other side as waged with other than political means. This implicit tension is the basis of the explicit contrast between the first and the third tendencies of Clausewitz’s trinity. Furthermore, one could argue that globalization and the ubiquity of information technologies have created a worldwide political space from which no one can escape, however much his actions might be derived, in their immediate motivation, from private interests or from the cultural practices of ethnic or tribal communities.Hence, the role of politics is intensified and reaction time within all three tendencies of Clausewitz’s trinity is reduced. Containing War and Violence in World Society The concept of containment is associated with the insight that we cannot expect in the foreseeable future to see fully non-violent societies or a non-violent world society. In addition, the aspiration to a world without conflicts as such fails to recognize that in the course of history conflicts and conflict solutions have frequently been necessary for human development.The main task confronting politics and social forces in the twenty-first century is the radical limitation, even diminishing of violence and war, so that non-violent structures can be sustained and the mechanisms of the ‘world of societies' can come to fruition. The overall political perspective on which the conce pt of the containing of war and violence in world society rests therefore consists of the following elements, the ‘pentagon of containing war and violence': 1) The ability to deter and discourage any opponent from fighting a large-scale war and to conduct precise military action as a last resort; (2) The possibility of using military force in order to limit and contain particularly excessive, large-scale violence which has the potential to destroy societies; (3) The willingness to counter phenomena which help to cause violence, such as poverty and oppression, especially in the economic sphere, and also the recognition of a pluralism of cultures and styles of life in world society; 4) The motivation to develop a culture of civil conflict management (concepts which can be summed up in the ‘civilizational hexagon', global governance, and democratic peace), based on the observation that the reduction of our action to military means has proved counterproductive and in the end will exceed our military capabilities; and (5) Restricting the possession and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, as well as of small arms, because the proliferation of both is inherently destructive to social order. Antulio Echevarria writes that ‘the U. S.National Strategy for Combating Terrorism also includes an essential, but rather ambitious goal of diminishing the conditions that terrorists typically exploit, such as poverty, social and political disenfranchisement, and long-standing political, religious, and ethnic grievances; reducing these conditions requires, among other things, fostering political, social, and economic development, good governance, the rule of law, and consistent participation in the â€Å"war of ideas† Further important tasks include preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of small arms.Normative criteria are required for the containment of war and violence in world society. Such cri teria combine political–moral considerations with aspects relevant to every state's interest in self-preservation. It requires political actors to recognize the advantages of self-limitation as part of their own enlightened self-interest. In anthropological terms, we can see the roots of the political in the openness and indeterminacy of the human power to act. In historical terms, we can follow Aristotle in seeing these roots in the way we are forced to limit ourselves once we become aware of the contingency of human actions.It follows from this that one of the decisive questions for future development is that of the possible self-interest of the United States, or regional powers, making conflict subject to legal norms, in civil conflict management, and binding military power into alliance systems. President Obama’s ‘Pivot to Asia’ necessitated the development of a military strategy for the potential, if highly improbable, conflict with China. Seeking a d ecisive victory or traditional military containment are not viable strategies in current and projected realities, as they probably only serve to escalate the situation.Also, the United States must select ways that minimize the probability of escalation to nuclear conflict simply because it does not understand China’s nuclear release process and there is no winner in a major nuclear exchange. The logic leads to the concept of Offshore Control. Operationally, it uses currently available means and restricted ways to deny China the use of the sea in a strategy of economic strangulation to exhaust China to the point it seeks war termination. Penetration into China is forbidden to reduce the possibility of escalation and to make war termination easier.Offshore Control seeks to allow the Chinese Communist Part to end the conflict in the same way China ended its conflicts with India, the UN (in Korea), the Soviet Union and the Vietnamese. It allows China to declare it â€Å"taught t he enemy a lesson† and thus end the conflict. The progressive limitation of war and violence indefinitely can be an end to itself in the realization of a basically peaceful global policy. The enduring and progressive containment of war and violence is therefore necessary for self-preservation of states, even their survival, and for the civility of individual societies and world society.Conclusion Clausewitz, in his note of 1827, recognized the need to rework the whole of On War according to his new insight, the distinction between limited war and war whose aim is to overthrow the enemy and render him powerless. However, he was not always clear in his thoughts especially in his early writings and even up to 1827. For example, there is a lack of clarity on the discourse at the beginning of book I, chapter 1, of the three interactions that push war to the extreme, despite the fact that these sections were presumably written after the note of 1827.It can be said that for the purpo se of analyzing and studying warfare, both the early and later Clausewitz is of great importance and value. However, for political and military action of our time, perhaps only the later Clausewitz needs serve as an important basis. As Clausewitz himself emphasized at the end of his discussion of the trinity, ‘at any rate, the preliminary concept of war casts a first ray of light on the basic structure of theory, and enables us to make an initial differentiation and identification of its major components. Thinking about contemporary and future warfare with, and sometimes beyond, Clausewitz can still be the best way to begin. Bibliography 1. Andreas, H. -R. (2009). Clausewitz and a New Containment. In S. Hew, ; H. -R. 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Infinity Journal, 2(2), pp. 0-14. 8. Hew, S. , ; Andreas, H. -R. (2009). Introduction. In S. Hew, ; H. -R. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 1-13). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. 9. Antulio, E. (2009). Clausewitz and the Nature of the Wa r on Terror. In S. Hew, ; H. -R. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 196-218). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. 10. Ken, B. , ; R. , T. (1999). Strategic Cultures in the Asia-Pacific Region. London. 11. Metz, S. (1994). Clausewitz Homepage. From A Wake for Clausewitz: Toward a Philosophy of 21st-Century Warfare: http://www. lausewitz. com/readings/Metz. htm 12. Sumida, J. (2009). On Defence as the Stronger Form of War. In S. Hew, ; H. -R. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 164-181). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Durieux, B. (2009). Clausewitz and the Two Temptations of Modern Strategic Thinking. In S. Hew, & H. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 251- 265). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. [ 2 ]. Carl von Clausewitz, On War, trans. and ed. Michael Howard and Pet er Parat (Princeton, NJ, 1976), II, 2, p. 141. 3 ]. Ibid. II, 2, p. 141. [ 4 ]. Ibid. II, 2, p. 142. [ 5 ]. Ken, B. , & R. , T. (1999). Strategic Cultures in the Asia-Pacific Region. London. [ 6 ]. Durieux, B. (2009). Clausewitz and the Two Temptations of Modern Strategic Thinking. In S. Hew, & H. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 251- 265). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. [ 7 ]. The same principles and strategies that were the decisive foundation of Napoleon’s initial successes at Jena and Auerstedt proved inadequate in the special situation of the Russian campaign and eventually contributed to his final defeat at Waterloo. 8 ]. Clausewitz or Sun Tzu – Paradigms of warfare for the 21st century written by: Andreas Herberg-Rothe, 13-Dec-06. WorldSecurityNetwork. com – WorldSecurityNetwork. com. http://www. worldsecuritynetwork. com/printArticle3. cfm? article_id=13757 [ 9 ]. On War, I, 1,  §28, P. 89. [ 10 ]. Hew, S. , & Andrea s, H. -R. (2009). Introduction. In S. Hew, & H. -R. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 1-13). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. [ 11 ]. Vom Kriege, ed. Werner Hahlweg (19th edn, Bonn, 1980), 1, 1,  §28, pp. 212-213. 12 ]. On War, VIII, 6B, p. 610. [ 13 ]. Ibid. p. 605. The phrase ‘with the addition of other means’ is deliberately used by Howard and Paret as they wanted to make it clear that war in itself does not suspend political intercourse or change it into something entirely different. Essentially, the intercourse continues, irrespective of the means it employs. The main lines along which military events progress, and to which they are restricted, are political lines that continues throughout war into the subsequent peace. It could not be otherwise.Political relations between peoples and between their governments do not stop when diplomatic notes are no longer exchanged. [ 14 ]. The German word Politik covers both policy and politics . Clausewitz did mean different things at different points. Sometimes the context suggests that he has foreign policy in mind, at others he highlights the social upheaval of the French Revolution and its consequence for warfare. [ 15 ]. Antulio Echevarria, ‘War, Politics and the RMA: The Legacy of Clausewitz’, Joint Force Quarterly, 10 (winter 1995-6), 76-80. [ 16 ]. On War, VIII, 3B, p. 589 [ 17 ]. Ibid. p. 586. 18 ]. Hew, S. , & Andreas, H. -R. (2009). Primacy of Policy and Trinity in Clausewitz’s Thought. In S. Hew, & H. -R. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 74-90). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. No modern translator is prepared to render wunderliche in the military context as â€Å"wonderful† or â€Å"wonderous†. Howard and Paret in 1976 used ‘remarkable’, which was a throwaway word of no particular significance. This was changed to ‘paradoxical’ in the 1984 edition, but this word seem s to have no relationship to wunderliche and carries inappropriately negative connotations. 19 ]. On War, I, 1,  §28. [ 20 ]. Ibid. Clausewitz’s description of the trinity followed after the metaphor of war as a chameleon. [ 21 ]. Ibid. [ 22 ]. George Kennan formulated his original vision of containment more than sixty years ago. Although altered in its application by various administrations in the United States, it has in practice been incorporated within the concept and politics of common security, which in turn has itself been the essential complement to purely military containment. [ 23 ]. In comparison to the Cold War. [ 24 ].Between globalization on the one hand, and local struggles for identity and regional advantages and interests on the other; between high-tech wars and combat with ‘knives and machetes’ or attacks by suicide bombers between symmetrical and asymmetrical warfare; between wars over the ‘world order’, with the re-politicizatio n and re-ideologization, between imperial-hegemonic dominance of the only superpower and the formation of new regional power centers; between international organized crime and the institutionalization of regional and global communities; and between increasing violations of international law and human rights on one side and their expansion on the other. [ 25 ]. Andreas, H. -R. (2009). Clausewitz and a New Containment. In S. Hew, & H. -R. Andreas (Eds. , Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 283-307). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. [ 26 ]. Clausewitz discussed unlimited and limited war in terms that supported his conception of the defense as the stronger form of war. The central issue in both cases of war was the will of the combatants. Unlimited war occurred when the attacker was determined to destroy the political independence of the defender through battle if necessary, and the defender no less determined to preserve its political independence. Equivalence in the stre ngth of will did not, however, mean the outcome would be determined by the balance of military forces and the fortunes of war.Even catastrophic military defeat at the hands of a militarily superior attacker, Clausewitz believed, would not produce a decision if the defender had the will to preserve what remained of his regular military forces by retreat even to the point of abandonment of all national territory, and to resort to armed popular support against the invader in spite of its potential to promote anarchy. Limited war meant a situation in which the attacker's objectives did not involve the destruction of the political independence of the defender, and the defender's stake in the outcome was thus not one of survival. (Sumida, 2009) [ 27 ]. Andreas Herberg-Rothe had elaborated this interpretation in Andreas Herberg-Rothe, Das Ratsel Clausewitz. Politische Theorie des Krieges im WIderstreit (Munich, 2001), 79-145, and in the English edition of the same book, Clausewitz’s Puzzle (Oxford, 2007).We can find this conclusion in the trinity; within the note of 1827, in which Clausewitz mentioned both aspects as guiding principles for reworking the whole text; in book I, chapter 2; and in most parts of book VIII of On War, [ 28 ]. On War, I, 2, pp. 91-2. [ 29 ]. Ibid. VIII, 3B, p. 585. [ 30 ]. It can be demonstrated that, due to systematic reasons but also with the respect to historical experience, trying to suspend this tension for the sake of the primacy of one of the two sides always leads to a primacy of the military means, of warfare and violence; see Beatrice Heuser, Reading Clausewitz (London, 2002). [ 31 ]. Antulio, E. I. (2003). Globalization and the Clausewitzian Nature of War. The European Legacy, 8/3, pp. 317-32. [ 32 ].Ernst Otto Czempiel, Weltpolitik im Umbruch. Die Pax Americana, der Terrorisinus und die Zukunft der interuationalen Bezh. ‘hungen (Munchen, 2002). [ 33 ]. Andreas, H. -R. (2009). Clausewitz and a New Containment. In S. H ew, & H. -R. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 283-307). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. [ 34 ]. Antulio, E. (2009). Clausewitz and the Nature of the War on Terror. In S. Hew, & H. -R. Andreas (Eds. ), Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 196-218). New York: Oxford University Press Inc. [ 35 ]. Hammes, T. (2012, Spring). Offshore Control: A Proposed Strategy. Infinity Journal, 2(2), pp. 10-14. [ 36 ]. Ibid. I, 1,  §28, p. 89.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

If accounting policies only determine how past transactions are Essay - 1

If accounting policies only determine how past transactions are recorded and reflected in financial reports, how can the choice - Essay Example Discussion In 1977, the Financial Accounting Standards Board proposed to change the accounting methods used in the oil industry from full costing (FC) to successful efforts (SE). The FSAB through the Exposure Draft received great opposition from oil companies because the change in accounting method could adversely reduce the market share price and earnings at the same time. From an analysis carried out, 64% of the oil companies will have their earnings decreasing by 5% or more and 74% of the companies surveyed could have a 5% or more decrease in the market share price if they changed the accounting method from full costing to successful efforts (Zeff, 1979). On average, it was established that the industry’s market share price and earnings decreased by 4.5% in three days after the release of the Exposure Draft (Lev, 1979). The financial accounting standards board put forward two method used to account for oil and gas exploration cost. These include the full costing method and the successful efforts method. The two methods differ in the way they treat exploration costs (Myers, 1979). Successful Efforts method Under this method, the costs are incurred in unsuccessful exploration are charged as current expenses and therefore not carried forward as assets. Under the SE method, costs are capitalized by collection if the costs directly end up in the development of proved reserves. Costs not resulting in proved reserves are expensed as are incurred or as a determination of verified reserves is made. Simply, within a cost group, wells that are explored and found dry are expensed and wells that are successfully explored and developed are capitalized (Lev, 1979). Full Costing Method The FC method, on the other hand, treats all costs that oil companies incurred in exploration oil and gas reserves as assets subject to a limitation that the total amount carried forward does not exceed the approximated value of the reserves, anywhere the well is located either within the country or across any continent (Lev, 1979). Under the full cost method, all charges of discovering and evolving wells are capitalized regardless of the fact that they are proven or not. After which, depletion is done using the units of production technique where the all the proven oil and gas reserves are taken into consideration (Myers, 1979). Fundamentally, all of the costs of developing gas and oil reserves, both successful and unsuccessful are depleted as output units which are recovered from the successful wells (Myers, 1979). This method is permitted by the Securities Exchange Commission but not favored by the FASB and is proposed as an inducement for the investigation of further oil and gas assets since charges related to failed exploration can be expensed over time rather than as incurred (Myers, 1979). The Securities Exchange Commission was in charge of regulating the oil industry as per the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. Shortly before this act, FASB had expressed interest of setting accounting standard to be used in the oil industry. For this reason, SEC relied on FASB for setting accounting standard for the oil industry. FASB then came up with the Exposure Draft the proposed to change the accounting method used in the industry (Lev, 1979). According to FASB, the full costing method was inappropriate as it did not reflect uniformity in the oil indust

Friday, September 27, 2019

Strategic Management Analysis assignement Assignment

Strategic Management Analysis assignement - Assignment Example Unique Resources / Capabilities 25 10.0 Sustainable Competitive Advantage 26 11.0 Summary of the Strengths and Weaknesses 27 Task C 28 12.0 Strategic Direction 28 12.1 Market Penetration 29 12.2 Product Development 29 12.3 Market Development 29 12.4 Diversification 30 13.0 Strategic Fit 30 14.0 Summary on Strategic Fit 33 References 34 1.0 Introduction The aim of the study has been to conduct a strategic analysis of an UK based airline company offering package holiday. Therefore, in this context, the company that has been chosen for the study is British Airways. British Airways is based in the UK and is the biggest scheduled airline that runs internationally (Scribd, 2009). It offers flight services of low fares for customers availing its holiday packages and carries the passengers to and from the centrally located airports. The company also offers holiday packages that consist of super value packages for hotels as well (The Telegraph, 2011). A person can enjoy both the flight facili ty as well as hotel facility and thus visit numerous destinations with British Airways which can save time as well as cost (British Airways, n.d.). Tour operators tend to put the numerous elements of the holidays and thus sell them as a package. The packages are sold either to the public directly or through travel agents. There are innumerable tour operators offering enormous ranges of the holidays as well as destinations (Holiday Bargains, n.d.). The term ‘package’ generally is defined as a set combination of two services at minimum. They must be offered at inclusive prices and must include components such as transports, accommodations or other services that are important for the tourists. The holiday market of the UK seems to be quite competitive and the industry tends to operate at quite low margins (BIS Department for Business Innovation & Skills, n.d.). The main rationale for choosing the company is that it is the leader in airline industry that offers both the fli ght as well as the holiday package services. The company chosen will assist in comprehending the trends of the airline company offering the package holiday in the UK. Task A 2.0 PESTEL Analysis The PESTEL analysis tends to classify the environmental components into political, socio cultural, economical, technological, environmental as well as legal. It assists in comprehending the main drivers leading to change as well as the external factors affecting an organization. Political Factors The political environment of the UK is quite stable. However, the terror attack had a major impact upon the package holiday industry of the UK. Such terror attacks led to tight security as well as strict immigration laws. The package holiday industry suffers in the long-term if such turmoil keeps on continuing. This tends to affect the perception of the tourists. In recent times, strikes called by the staffs of the British Airways had an impact upon its holiday business. In future, such scenario can occur which might have an impact

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sexual Assaults in Prison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sexual Assaults in Prison - Essay Example Even though the rate of imprisonment has increased over the years, most penal settings operate beyond the rated capacities. These lead to the crisis of overcapacity, limited resources and understaffing complications. Sexual assault in prisons has devastating psychological, social, and physical impacts on victims’ welfare. In most cases, the effects of sexual assault are exaggerated by captivity. In some instances, the affected persons face consistent infliction of fear, helplessness, physical assault as well as psychological trauma. The in-house problems in incarcerated centers are at times answerable to increased cases of sexual assaults in the penitentiary (Dumond, 2002). Sexual assaults have long term impacts on individual future growth and development. In addition to psychosomatic and physical harm, prisoners also face the peril of sexually transmitted diseases, depression, medical injuries, stigmatization, labeling, reduced social status, suicidal motivations, post-trauma disorders and reduction in individual esteem and social status. As a result, prisoners, jail administrators and clinicians ought to be aware of the increased cases of psychological and physical sexual acts and cases of victimization. Prison health practitioners should work hand in hand with the administrative staff and security to manage cases of sexual assaults and the subsequent intellectual, psychological and health conditions. Inmates are reported to have the highest level of sexual activity risks, high vulnerability to contagious diseases and highest rate of drug abuse. The recent decades have rising cases of sexual assaults and misconducts on female and male inmates by prison staffs. However, not all staffs are involved in these devastating acts. Cases of sexual assault by the staff members on the inmate are sometime accelerated by lack of a well defined

Stem Cell Research Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stem Cell Research Legislation - Essay Example This particular bill was vetoed by this Republican president. By 2001, President George W. Bush establishes that no stem cell research should be conducted on cells produced after August 9, 2001. This particular legislation issued by the Executive branch does not, however, indicate limitations on stem cell research conducted on cells older than August 9, 2001 or limit state-level funding for this research (Science Progress, 2009). Because of this lack of clarity in the legislation, the state of California becomes one of the first states to provide funding and establish legal allowances for this practice to continue. By 2004, the state of New Jersey becomes one of the first states to establish funding for an embryonic stem cell research center under NJ Permanent Statue, Title 26: 2Z-2. (Science Progress, 2009). In 2007, a bill is passed by Congress with a vote of 63 to 34 that expands Congressional funding of embryonic stem cell research, just short of the two-thirds majority required to protect the bill from presidential veto, however this does not occur (National Institutes of Health, 2012). This funding is approved which lays the foundation for the current policy regarding allowance of stem cell research and certain levels of federal funding toward this objective. The legislation banning or approving stem cell research maintains very different perspectives as compared to the United States that is more liberal about its imperatives and social benefits. Australia, as one example, allows this research to be undertaken, but it is highly regulated by the government. For an individual or organization to participate in this research, they must receive a license from the National Health and Medical Research Council and a secondary license must be granted for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (Australian Stem Cell Centre, 2011). The development of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration regulates all activities associated

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

SOCIALIZATION ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SOCIALIZATION - Assignment Example It plays a significant role in upholding women’s rights and freedom such as women’s sufferings (Schmidt, Shelley and Bardes 9). Furthermore, my parents also believe in the leftists political arguments. The left political ideology has a broad social and cultural influence, which considerably contributed to my political stance. The left principles subscribe to freedom of speech that greatly endorses dissemination of extensive information through the media. Furthermore, it plays an important role in attaining societal equality. It aims at establishing an ideal society without disparities on social classes. The left ideology intents include the relocation of resources through a welfare State. Primarily, this belief engages in communal unity, respect, co-existence as well as collective functioning. Currently, my opinions as a leftist have greatly changed over time. This is attributed to the influence of socialization agents such as peer groups, media, family, religious institutions and schools. Religious institutions have altered my perceptions in support of left beliefs by condemning some of leftists’ policies, such as legalizing abortion, as being evil and against humanity. The right-wing politics are presented as ideologies that promote right to private ownership by the media. Although there are arguments for right ideologies, I declined to support them following claims by activist that right systems allege to proliferate community advancement while they are tainted with the intention of enriching a few. From these claims, I am of the opinion that integration of these two ideologies would be most

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gender and Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Gender and Migration - Essay Example Recently, temporary migration is the primary method of international migration particularly for the Asian women. The author has explored a number of probable causes of the migration of women traditionally. Poverty has conventionally been considered as the fundamental cause of the feminization of migration, but the scanty number of female migrants from the low-income countries like Bangladesh compliments this perception. High unemployment rate is also falsified as a driving factor for the feminization of migration because Pakistani women’s representation is minimal in the global migrating women despite the fact that they are less than half as employed as Pakistani men in number. In fact, numerous push and pull factors are working simultaneously. Religion is also not always the determinant of the female migration pattern. Even the network approach does not offer sufficient explanation for the origination of migration. Household roles significantly depict and impact the migration pattern. This book aims at making an integrative approach to determine the causal factors for Asian women’s migration. To accomplish this, the author simultaneously uses the method of agreement and the method of difference to identify the driving factors for Asian women’s migration. The author analyzes the state’s role at the macro level and the women’s autonomy and power of decision making at the micro level. Using social legitimacy, the author will tend to draw a link between the globalization forces and individual autonomy and state policy. The author has identified a very unique topic to explore. Yes, there is an obvious difference between the numbers of female migrants among various Asian countries. I believe that the difference primarily originates in culture. Factors that control Asian women’s migration on the second and third level are religion and need respectively. Asian countries vary in their culture. Countries like

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Understand the importance of early intrevention to support the Assignment

Understand the importance of early intrevention to support the speech,language and communication needs of children and young people - Assignment Example Early mediation means making a brief intercession to backing the child and their families. In the event that a child gets the right help early, they have a higher chance of tackling issues, communicating appropriately and making advancements in their lives (Guitar 2005, p. 293). If these problems are not recognized early on, then the child’s future development is at risk and they risk having problems in future. The early years are a period for kids advancement as their brains are yet forming and thus it is very important to recognize if the child has communication and language difficulties. A child’s speech, language and communication affects other areas of their lives and thus any challenges may hinder their development. They may find it hard to control their conduct and play with other kids which makes them feel detached and baffled. Language is connected to the advancement of proficiency (Guitar 2005, p. 292). Kids who have poor speech will find it hard to comprehend the connection in the middle of sounds and letter shapes so reading and writing could be postponed. Discovering approaches to help the youngster convey will help their self-esteem and help keep them from anti-social behavior practices. By cooperating as a group, multi-agencies can help a child to achieve their maximum capacity. These groups may incorporate speech and language specialist, instructive, therapist, physiotherapist, occupational advisor, Health visitors and pro educators for learning Support. They can get together and talk through what kind of help the kid, family and setting needs. It helps on the grounds that they can all set an objective or target together and concentrate on the primary issues (Guitar 2005, p. 294). In their gatherings they can examine who is going help the child and families and the when and wheres. This can give details to those working with the child of where to get help if more of it is required. Ensuring that each and every person included

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Plastic Q-Tips Essay Example for Free

Plastic Q-Tips Essay Since the swabs of Q-Tips are made up of cotton, one of the environmental impacts of manufacturing them in huge quantities throughout the year is that it makes use of tens if not hundreds of millions of paper or plastic sticks for the rod holding the cotton swab. Apparently, the paper sticks are generally manufactured from trees, thereby posing the threat to the environment in terms of trees being cut down solely for the purpose of turning them into small paper rods. On the other hand, plastic Q-Tips rods disposed by the millions can eventually form into a massive heap of plastic garbage when combined altogether. Since these are made up of non-biodegradable material, there is an urgent need to recycle the plastic Q-Tips rods so that they will not pose more significant threats to the environment. Even though there are hazardous chemicals involved in the manufacture of Q-Tips, they can still pollute the environment especially when they are improperly disposed and recycled. The plastic rods of Q-Tips may be small but when all of the Q-Tips in the world are taken together they can turn into one massive garbage problem. Apparently, the rod of Q-Tips should be made as a renewable resource that can be recycled over and over for a long cycle of production and consumption. The fact that the rod is made of plastic indicates that manufacturers of Q-Tips should take advantage of recycling disposed plastic rods or any used plastic material and making use of them as recycled plastic rods for Q-Tips. Q-Tips are first manufactured in the factories, packaged and delivered to their clients such as supermarkets. The buying public purchases these items from their local stores and later on use them in their homes for different purposes such as for personal hygiene or cleaning the small parts of home appliances. Reference Q-Tips. (2009). Retrieved from http://qtips. com March 8, 2009.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Concept Of Risk Management In Navy Management Essay

Concept Of Risk Management In Navy Management Essay The concept of risk management has been around the Navy since its inception. During the drawdown of the 1990s, the risk management concept was formalized into the Operational Risk Management (ORM) program. This structured approach was initiated to mitigate the risks associated with such a massive reorganization. Risk is inherent in all tasks, training, missions, operations, and in personal activities no matter how routine. The most common cause of task degradation or mission failure is human error, specifically the inability to consistently manage risk. ORM reduces or offsets risks by systematically identifying hazards and assessing and controlling the associated risks allowing decisions to be made that weigh risks against mission or task benefits. As professionals, Navy personnel are responsible for managing risk in all tasks while leaders at all levels are responsible for ensuring proper procedures are in place and that appropriate resources are available for their personnel to perform assigned tasks. The Navy vision is to develop an environment in which every officer, enlisted, or civilian person is trained and motivated to personally manage risk in everything they do This includes on- and off-duty evolutions in peacetime and during conflict, thereby enabling successful completion of any task and mission. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Integrate Safety and Risk Management into all on and off-duty evolutions to maximize mission readiness and to establish DON as an organization with world class safety where no mishap is accepted as the cost of doing businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Establish a risk management training continuum to ensure all DON personnel receive targeted [ORM] training and that all formal professional training courses are infused with examples of how effective risk management improves both safety and mission readiness. DON Objectives for FY 2008 and Beyond (9 Oct 07) Benefits of ORM Reduction of operational loss. Lower compliance/auditing costs. Early detection of unlawful activities. Reduced exposure to future risks. Table of Contents I. Statement of the Issue or Problem (1 page) II. Significance of the Issue / Problem Why the issue / problem is important to aviation human factors (1 page) III. Review of Relevant Research (include references to at least five aviation human factors journal articles and / or aviation human factors texts, such as those found in ebrary at the ERAU Hunt Library (5 pages) IV. Summary of Major Findings and Conclusions (1 page) V. Recommendations for future research to address the issue / problem (1 page) *********************What is ORM? The term Operational Risk Management (ORM) is defined as a continual cyclic process which includes risk assessment, risk decision making, and implementation of risk controls, which results in acceptance, mitigation, or avoidance of risk. ORM is the oversight of operational risk, including the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes and systems; human factors; or external events. +++++++++++++++++++++How The ORM process assists you in making smart and informed decisions. Actually, you apply ORM every day. At times, you may not even be aware of it as you carry out a task or mission. An example of this is as simple as crossing the street; you look both ways because you were taught this at a young age. However, today you dont even look at this as risk management, but something that you know is the right thing to do before crossing the street. Every Sailor has a role to play in managing risk during a commands task or mission, and every Sailor is vital to the success of the Navy team. Purpose The ORM process minimizes risks to acceptable levels, commensurate with task or mission accomplishment. Correct application of the ORM process will reduce losses and associated costs resulting in more efficient use of resources. Zero risk is not the intent of ORM. Goal The Goal of ORM is to develop an environment in which every officer, enlisted, or civilian person is trained and motivated to personally manage risk in everything they do; to manage risk and move forward to accomplish the mission while safeguarding our people and infrastructure. Risk management is a continuous process that is integral from the strategic level of planning through the tactical level and execution. It is a tool to help improve mission readiness and mission accomplishment. The figure shows the three levels of ORM defined primarily by time. There is no definitive separating line between the three levels (in-depth, deliberate, and time critical) represented by the transition in color flowing from one level to another as you approach the task or event. It is important to know we have resources to tap into. At each level of the planning process, hazards and associated risks are identified and appropriate controls are developed and implemented. These controls become resources upon which you can draw for the next level of planning and ultimately for execution. The ORM process is a systematic, continuous, and repeatable process that consists of five basic steps. Identify hazards Assess hazards Make risk decisions Implement controls Supervise (and watch for changes) The first two steps comprise the risk assessment portion of ORM and provide enhanced awareness and understanding of a given situation. This awareness builds confidence and allows for timely, efficient, and effective protective measures. The remaining three steps are the essential follow-through actions to either eliminate the hazard or mitigate the risks. Risk Assessment Matrix ORM Matrix Card ORM incorporates the following four principles: Accept Risk When Benefits Outweigh the Cost Accept No Unnecessary Risk Anticipate and Manage Risk by Planning Make Risk Decisions at the Right Level Accept Risk When Benefits Outweigh the Cost The process of weighing risks against the benefits and value of the mission or task helps to maximize success. Balancing costs and benefits can be a subjective process. Therefore, personnel with knowledge and experience of the mission or task must be engaged when making risk decisions. The goal of ORM is not to eliminate risk but to manage the risk so that the mission or task both on- and off-duty can be successful. The bottom line is, if no benefit can be achieved then do not take the risk. Accept No Unnecessary Risk Operational Naval Instruction (OPNAVINST) 3500.39 (series) states: If all detectable hazards have not been identified, then unnecessary risks are being accepted. Additionally, an unnecessary risk is any that, if taken, will not contribute meaningfully to mission or task accomplishment or will needlessly jeopardize personnel or material. The risk management process identifies hazards that might otherwise go unidentified and provides tools to reduce or offset risk. The acceptance of risk does not equate to the imprudent willingness to gamble. Take only risks that are necessary to accomplish the mission or task. Anticipate and Manage Risk by Planning Integrating risk management into planning as early as possible provides the greatest opportunity to make well-informed risk decisions and implement effective risk controls. This enhances the overall effectiveness of ORM and often reduces costs for your organization and yourself when off duty. Make Risk Decisions at the Right Level Anyone can make a risk decision. However, the appropriate decision maker is the individual who can eliminate or minimize the hazard, implement controls to reduce the risk, or accept the risk. Leaders at all levels must ensure that their personnel know how much risk they can accept and when to elevate the decision to a higher level. Ensuring that risk decisions are made at the appropriate level will establish clear accountability. Therefore, those accountable for the mission must be included in the risk management process. If the commander, leader, or individual responsible for executing the mission or task determines that the controls available to them will not reduce risk to an acceptable level, they must elevate the risk decisions to the next level in the chain of command. 3 LEVELS ========================================== The risk management process is applied on three levels: in-depth, deliberate, and time critical. The basic factor that differentiates each level is time; that is the amount of time available to dedicate to the preparation and planning of missions or tasks. Time Critical Risk Management (TCRM) Personnel know ORM. They develop plans and brief the crew on task procedures. However, we often fail to execute the plans as briefed. We do not manage change as it occurs, and those changes affect the original plans. Usually, the personnel injured during a task are those who were not involved in the original planning. Recent studies of the ORM process have found that personnel have a firm grasp of the In-Depth and Deliberate levels of ORM. Unfortunately, personnel fail to execute Time Critical Risk Management (TCRM) during tasks as events change. You are accustomed to the 5-step process during In-Depth and Deliberate ORM processes; however, realistically it is difficult to execute the 5-step process during the time critical level effectively. Therefore, we are introducing a new tool for the execution of TCRM. This tool will help you improve communication, handle change, and manage risk to ensure mission success. We are NOT eliminating the 5-step process rather, the five steps are incorporated into this new, easy-to-use tool. This model consists of various graphic representations for situational awareness (target), stacked blocks (resources), a swooping arrow (a return to good SA) and a four letter box mnemonic (ABCD) that will help you improve communication, handle change, and manage risk to ensure mission or task success. Its called the ABCD model. The ABCD mnemonic in the model is not a replacement for the 5-step ORM process or a different process of risk management, but it is the practical application of the 5-step process in a time-critical environment. Off-duty mishaps are extremely detrimental to the Navys operational capability. Because we are part of the Navy team 24/7, the actions we take off-duty can affect the readiness and operational capability of our commands mission or task, therefore affecting the Navy as a whole. Thus, we must constantly be aware of all risks involved in our everyday off-duty activities. ORM applies off-duty the same as on-duty. By consistently using the A-B-C-D loop in our individual activities, we can reduce the number of off-duty mishaps; thereby improving the Navys readiness and operational capabilities. These fewer mishaps will also allow individuals to meet personal and professional challenges now and in the future. Benefits of ORM Reduction of operational loss. Lower compliance/auditing costs. Early detection of unlawful activities. Reduced exposure to future risks. *****************Glossary of Terms ABCD The mneomic for the four actions of Time Critical Risk Management (TCRM). A-Assess the situation, B-Balance your resources, C-Communicate to others, D-Do and Debrief the event. Acceptable Risk The portion of identified risk that is allowed to persist during the mission or task. Additive Condition Refers to all items that compete for an individual or crews attention during the execution of a mission or task. Examples include; equipment malfunctions, change in weather, multiple players, unpredictable information, and change to the mission. Additive conditions may increase task loading or uncertainty and lead to distraction or channelized focus. Command (unit or organizational) ORM Integration Integrating ORM into the command relates to reviewing procedures, instructions, and processes; identifying hazards; and creating controls associated with those hazards Command ORM Manager Designated unit level individual, qualified in accordance with OPNAVINST 1500.75(series), who is responsible for implementing risk management principles, concepts, and policy within the unit. Consequential Error An error which leads to undesired consequences to property, personnel, or mission (e.g., mishap, personal injury, mission failure, etc.). Controls Actions taken or measures put in place to eliminate a hazard or reduce the associated identified risk. Some type of controls include engineering controls, administrative controls, and physical controls. Crew Factors Refers to human factors which affect the capabilities of the individual, crew, or team and can increase the potential for errors. This includes such things as attitudes, personalities, level of training, experience, fatigue, and physiological factors. CRM Crew Resource Management Exposure An expression that considers the frequency, length of time, and percentage of people or assests subjected to a hazard. Exposure is a component of risk, but not directly used to assign a level of risk. Rather, it is a consideration in determining probability and severity. Hazard Any real or potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death to personnel; damage to or loss of equipment or property; degradation of mission capability or impact to mission accomplishment; or damage to the environment. (Synonymous with the term threat.) Operational Analysis A chronological or sequential list of the major events or elements in a mission or task. This is the complete picture of what is expected to happen and assures all elements of a mission or task are evaluated for all potential hazards OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OPORD Operation Order OPS Operations ORM Operational Risk Management Operational Risk Management A process that assists organizations and individuals in making informed risk decisions in order to reduce or offset risk; thereby increasing operational effectiveness and the probability of mission success. It is a systematic, cyclical process of identifying hazards and assessing and controlling the associated risks. The process is applicable across the spectrum of operations and tasks, both on and off duty. ORM Assistant Designated unit level individual who is a subject matter expert (SME) on ORM principles and concepts, qualified in accordance with OPNAVINST 1500.75(series), and supports the command ORM manager in implementing risk management within the unit. PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis PPE Personal Protective Equipment PO Petty Officer PQS Personal Qualification Standard Preliminary Hazard Analysis A means to create an initial list of hazards that may exist in an operation, task, or mission. This builds on the operational analysis and entails listing hazards and associated causes. Probability A measure of the likelihood that a potential consequence will occur. RAC Risk Assessment Code Residual Risk Risk remaining after controls have been identified and selected. Resource Something that can be used to develop controls and includes time, money, people or equipment. With respect to Time Critical Risk Management (TCRM), a resource is something used to prevent errors, speed up decision making, or improve team coordination. Resources are typically developed as controls at the in-depth or deliberate levels of risk management. They are broadly grouped into the following categories: Policies, procedures and routines; checklists; automation; briefings and external resources; and knowledge, skills and techniques. Risk An expression of possible loss, adverse outcome, or negative consequences; such as injury or illness in terms of probability and severity. Risk Assessment A structured process to identify and assess hazards. An expression of potential harm, described in terms of severity, probability, and exposure to hazards. Accomplished in the first two steps of the ORM process. Risk Assessment Code An expression of the risk associated with a hazard that combines its severity and probability into a single Arabic numeral which can be used to help determine hazard abatement priorities. This is typically accomplished through the use of a risk assessment matrix. The basic RACs are: 1-Critical, 2-Serious, 3-Moderate, 4-Minor, and 5-Negligible. Risk Decision The decision to accept or not accept the risk(s) associated with an action; made by the commander, leader, or individual responsible for performing that action. Root cause Any basic underlying cause that was not in turn a result of more important underlying causes. Describes the depth in the causal chain where an intervention could reasonably be implemented to change performance and prevent an undesirable outcome. The analysis of a hazard may identify multiple causes; however applying controls to the root cause is ultimately more effective that merely addressing an intermediate cause. Severity An assessment of the potential consequence intensity that can occur as a result of exposure to a hazard and is defined by the degree of injury, illness, property damage, loss of asset (time, money, personnel) or mission or task impairing factors. When analyzing risk, it is based on the worst credible outcome. Situational Awareness (SA) Refers to the degree of accuracy by which ones perception of the current environment mirrors reality Task Loading The number of tasks to complete, given a set period of time. Higher task loading increases the potential for error. Task loading can be reduced by either reducing the number of tasks or taking more time. TCRM Time Critical Risk Management TFOM Training Figure of Merit Threat See hazard. With respect to ORM, threat and hazard are considered synomynous. TORIS Training and Operational Readiness Information Services TRACS Total Risk Assessment and Control System Unacceptable Risk The risk when measured versus the benefit or value of the mission or task that cannot be tolerated and must be eliminated or controled. What If Tool A means of thinking about what may go wrong and stating it as a question beginning with the phraseWhat if? This method is most useful for personnel who are actually involved in the operation being analyzed and adds insight to some of the more significant hazards identified with the preliminary hazard analysis (PHA). WIT What IF tool

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cult Films and the 1950s :: essays research papers

1950’s Over past nine weeks we've embarked on a journey spanning seven decades of cult films and also received a brief education of our not so distant past. We've seen the outrageous, the good, the bad and the ugly, the weirdly dramatic, and the just plain weird of the last seven decades of cult films and how in the end somehow find away to incorporate a piece of American culture at the time. However, by far the most intriguing decade to me would have to be the nineteen fifties. There are many reasons why I could say the fifties ranging from great sports moments to political milestones, which gave way to our society now. The nineteen fifties were a time when segregation was ending, people were daring to explore their sexuality, the race to venture in to space, the Korean War, the birth of the New York Yankee Legacy, and Elvis. However, for my purposes in this paper and in relation to the cult film genre, there are three specific reasons why I chose the era of the fifties. The most important reason would be the taboos of the decade, namely the taboo and paranoia of communism and the Cold War with the then Soviet Union. Second, there were many excellent cult films to come out of the period addressing the taboos of the time, two of which I would like to share. Third, the fifties brought us possibly "the worst director of all time" and "the ultimate cult director" Ed Wood, Jr. It is for these reasons that the 1950's are, to quote Prof. Allan Havis, "the quintessential decade of films." Entering the nineteen fifties the United States was getting past the bitter memories of World War II only to a brand new threat, Communism. The fear or taboo of communism was every where. Television programs and newspapers ran features on the newest government official, entertainer, and even next door neighbors suspected of communism. Led by Senator John McCarthy citizens left and right stood trial for being a communist or aiding Russians in the "Cold War". Knowing that anyone who stood against McCarthy would be subject persecution themselves many Americans began to fall in to a mass hysteria accusing neighbors and friends of supporting the communist threat and being spies for Russia. Many innocent people were sent to prison based purely on speculation. Also showing the increasing fear of communism were the writers of movies and books, the two top forms of leisure during the decade.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I Am Poor and Gay...and I Will Practice Law :: Law College Admissions Essays

I Am Poor and Gay...and I Will Practice Law One of the few things I remember about my childhood is my mother's beige linen suit. It was her "best" suit, and she wore it to work for years. The more it faded and frayed, the more it became a symbol to me of our poverty, and the more I hated it. Being poor made me feel like a second-class person. We never really outgrew the poverty; I just left it to go to college. By my second year, I was working up to fifty hours a week to support myself. Looking at my transcript analysis, I guess my grades suffered a lot that year, until I learned to balance homework with my other responsibilities. But in truth, I don't even remember that. Most of what I remember about college had to do with learning to accept being gay. I guess I learned to accept it pretty well, because within a year of graduation I left my job as manager of a home for mentally retarded adults to become manager of Glad Day, the first gay liberation bookstore in North America. (A "gay liberation" bookstore is one which specializes in political and educational materials, instead of pornography). That's where I met Ted. My next ten years are pretty much inexplicable without reference to Ted. What looks like the rambling of an unmotivated itinerant is really a fairly typical description of the spouse of someone with a career requiring frequent relocation. Ted is an optical physicist. He specializes in laser technology of the sort used to make holographic pictures and laser ("compact") discs. When we met, he was already well established in his field, while I had not yet really chosen a career. In the ten years we've lived together he's worked in half a dozen cities in the United States, and in France for two years. In each place we lived I've worked, gone to school, and volunteered my time for political causes, but I've always been willing to make my own goals secondary to his. My life hasn't just been a series of odd jobs, however. When we moved to New Jersey in 1980, I got a job teaching emotionally disturbed adolescents. At the same time I began learning computer programming, helping Ted with some of the work he brought home.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Environmental Views of Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) Essays

Executive Summary The Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) is a beautiful 19.6 million acre coastal plain, and is located in the Northeastern part of Alaska. ANWR is home to numerous species of wildlife and one of the largest untapped oil preserves in the United States. There is an immense debate between the opposing environmentalists and the politicians who want to drill for oil on a section of ANWR, which is only 1.8% of the refuge. Environmentalists who oppose drilling for oil in Alaska say the wildlife and the native populations are threatened by drilling for oil in ANWR, even though most of the natives are strongly in favor of drilling. ANWR could save the US from having to import $800 billion worth of foreign oil, creating hundreds to thousands of American jobs, and generate hundreds of billions in royalties and taxes ( Three different environmental ethic views will be addressed, Utilitarian, Deontology, and Lockean. The Utilitarian argument is that the greatest function of ANWR will be reached through drilling. It implies that the intrinsic qualities of the land are of lesser value, and that ANWR serves the people better by being given over to the purpose of oil production. Deontology views ANWR rationally. The question is asked: what would a rational person do when developers propose to convert an unspoiled landscape to commercial use? In the Lockean view, man has a right to use property and the various resources of the earth as he wills, to support his life and values. The development of ANWR overshadows the minimal risk of environmentally disrupting the wildlife. The US economy and the citizens of Alaska would benefit from the development, not to mention the wildlife would be monitored and thus receive more attention. Introduction Alaska is surrounded by ocean and mountainous terrain and has one of the most beautiful landscapes in the United States. Alaska is home to the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, in which hundreds of thousands of wildlife reside alongside with one of the largest oil preserves in the United States. Environmentalists are vexed about the possible disruption in the wildlife’s natural habitat and the effects it may have on the Alaskan Natives. Congress is being faced with the challenge of mergin... Rodger Schlickeisen. Fight to Protect the Arctic Refuge Reaches Critical Point Refuge Faces Most Dire Threat in Decades. Retrieved April 10, 2005 from Retrieved on April 9, 2005 "Alaska," Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2005  © 1997-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. N.A. Retrieved April 10, 2005 oryID=30570&Section=NIE Retrieved on April 9, 2005 Stephen Segaller. PBS: Extreme Oil (2004). Retrieved April 10, 2005

Jungian Analytical Psychology and the Process on Individuation

The process on individuation is central to Jungian analytical psychology, as Jung believed that individuation is the driving force behind humans’ â€Å"yearning for completeness within the human experience, and the search for wholeness† (Russell, & Ryback, 1996, p. 2) in their life-long conquest to achieve a distinctive but coherent and balanced personality.Besides the genetics and the psychosocial environment, Jung believed that a third force influences the dynamic formation of human individuality and that is the ‘collective memory’ of previous civilizations, memory stored and available to humans, in the ‘collective unconscious’ (Munteanu, 2012; Douglas, 2011). While hard to prove scientifically, quantum physics does not refute this concept (Science Channel, 2011; Munro, 2011).As a therapist, I believe that I should be the open-minded guide and facilitator of client’s individualized explorations and life experiences, supporting clientâ €™s pursuit of holistic self-realization; guiding client’s exploration of his/her archetypes, the attitudinal type and the preferential decision making mode, would facilitate client’s understanding of own psychic energy flow, and would empower the client to address and develop his/her unconscious/conscious balance, advancing the individuation process (Munteanu, 2012; AtheneWins, 2011; Russell, & Ryback, 1996).The counselling methods I would use to sustain this process, while client centred, would also need to be very creative and interactive on my part, as the counsellor; I would be making use of a variety of strategies within an environment of customised but constantly challenging and supportive at the same time.I would need to maintain myself on an perpetual self-development and self-reflection ‘carousel’, in order to ensure that I continuously upgrade my skills to the levels required to provide that balance of challenge and support, to all of my cli ents; within my practice, I would use a variety of methods, such as instructional interventions, questioning, clarifying, hypothesising, silences if/as required (to allow the process of assimilation and internalisation), dream interpretation or sequential drawings, journaling, art and sand therapies (especially for clients who have difficulties verbalising feelings), mandalas, mask making, etc.I could see how my teaching experience will serve me well in Jungian counselling, since I already use many of these methods, to provide personalised learning, to my students. I have always thought of myself as ‘work in progress’, and therefore I learn something new every day from my students; hence, learning from and alongside my clients I see it as a continuation of my own holistic individuation (Dehing, 1992; Russell, & Ryback, 1996).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Major Parts of Corporate Entrepreneurship.

* 4 major parts of corporate entrepreneurship. 1-New business venturing ( corporate venturing) Corporate venturing refers to the creation of a new business within an existing organization. Business dictionary defined corporate venturing as the practice where a large firm takes an equity stake in a small but innovative or specialist firm, to which it may also provide management and marketing expertise. Specifically, corporate venturing emphasized an internal capital resources, proprietary knowledge, and marketing expertise.The concept of corporate venturing has existed for many years in the US where many of the top companies have a venture capital fund or offer strategic alliances. While the number of companies involved is much smaller in this country, it has existed for many years and in many sectors. Traditionally corporate venturing has appealed to high-growth sectors such as pharmaceutical or technology companies. 2. Innovativeness It’s product and service innovation, with emphasis on development and innovation in technology.The innovation of product and services are crucially important to every economy. Innovation and new business development can be initiated by independent individuals or by existing enterprises. Corporate entrepreneurship is ever more considered as a valuable instrument for revitalizing existing companies. It is brought into practice as a tool for business development, revenue growth, and profitability enhancement for pioneering the development of new product, services and processes. 3. Self-renewalIt’s transformation through renewal of key ideas on which an organization is built. Self-renewal has strategic and organizational change implications and includes the redefinition of business concept, reorganization, and the introduction of system-wide changes for innovation. Self-renewal is entrepreneurial because it involves entrepreneurial efforts that result in significant changes to an organization’s business or corpora te level strategy. 4Proactiveness This term includes initiative, risk taking, competitive aggressiveness, and boldness.It attempts to lead rather than follow competitors. A proactive firm is inclined to take risk through experimentation. Some opinion conceives of proactiveness as a continuous search for market opportunities and experimentation with potential responses to changing environmental trend. Entrepreneurial proactiveness depends on the attractiveness of an opportunity and ability of the firm to grasp once it is perceived. Organizational performance depends on entrepreneurial proactiveness if there is uniqueness in the creation of new product from the available resource

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Causes for the Central Powers Losing the First World War

After the First World War had ceased on the 11th of November 1918, there were a lot of negotiations on the issue of how to sustain peace, and how to treat the Central Powers, which consisted namely of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria. France wanted urgent reparation for the damages Germany had caused, and did not consider giving her a â€Å"mild punishment†, such as the one Britain had suggested. There are several important reasons as to why the Central Powers lost World War One.During this analysis I will be looking at the most vital ones, and giving a brief idea of how and why these shaping events took place. There was one particular event involving especially Germany at an early stage of the war: the von Schlieffen plan. In 1914, Germany tried to pursue the so-called â€Å"von Schlieffen plan†, in which the goal was to surround the French armies. They planned to do so by flying through Belgium to the coasts of France, to then capture the Channel ports an d use the way of the rivers to surround France, their support and their navy.This was easier said than done; the Belgian resistance was strong, making Germany unable to capture the Channel ports and thus unable to get somewhat control of France. The fact that the von Schlieffen plan failed had a great impact on the Central Powers’ motivation throughout the war, as well the fact that it did not manage to show their authority from early on. Several smaller reasons to why the Central Powers lost also need to be taken into consideration. Britain tried to block German ports and trade routes, making it difficult for them to acquire weapons, ammunition, transport and food from other countries.Considering that the Germans were already exhausted by the war, because of the fact that they did not expect a long-term war. To add to that, there was not a lot the other Central Powers could do to help Germany, meaning that they all-in-all did not get many new supplies of tools for warfare. I n conclusion, there were many minimal causes for the results of the First World War, such as British blockade of German ports and trade routes, German exhaustion and the fact that they did not get much help from the other Central Powers. US entered the war in April 1917.This was a vital reason for the Allies’ victory. Seeing as it was at the very end of World War One, and Germany was already exhausted, it did a great deal to their morale when a whole new continent joined the war. The US contributed by providing Britain and France with food, merchant ships and credit. By mid-1918 over half a million American soldiers were involved in the war. As well as the physical help, the USA gave a vast blow to German morale. Thus, the US joining the war was one of the leading steps to the Allies winning.As my short analysis has shown, there were many different reasons for the Central Powers losing the First World War, in which there were small reasons as well as big ones. The causes I ha ve mentioned are the failure of the Schlieffen plan, small reasons such as British blockade, German exhaustion and not getting any help from the other Central Powers and lastly, the US joining the war towards the end. These are only some of the reasons, however they show how German morale to some extent affected the

Saturday, September 14, 2019

He-y Come on Ou-t analysis Essay

In the short story â€Å"He-y Come on Ou-t† the hole symbolizes an easy solution for a big problem. People used this hole to dump their waste, and fears into it. They used it to dispose unwanted materials, and at the same time to bring money into the city by charging others to dump their waste into it. The hole also symbolizes the people’s ignorance as well, people do not fully understand what this big dark gaping space is, and that it could harm the Earth in many possible ways, yet they still use it for their own good. The hole is a positive thing, because people learn from experience, and that hole taught the people that every action has a consequence and that everything comes around again in some way. This hole also shows how people won’t always get away with something bad they have done. The hole swallows all the sin people have done, and gives them some peace of mind. I would sure like to use one of these phenomenon’s, but if I do many other people will, and later on the world will lack a lot of things. This hole is sure useful at times, but it will reflect on the world and the environment, because everything has its bad and it’s good. Almost everything we use is recycled or some parts of it are taken to do and produce something else. Some things do not naturally occur, so when people start getting rid of materials and things that they think are useless, we will be short on a lot of things in the upcoming centuries. Not all people are geniuses or aware of what the things they are using is made out of. Even if this hole will be used for a good cause, and to save our environment instead of burning garbage, dead animal bodies, etc. there are still many other ways to do such things in a safer way without risking our environment. We live in an uncontrolled world; if such thing existed some people will manage to find a way to use it to harm our environment. We shouldn’t take the easy way out in everything, but think and solve the problem once and for all.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Entrepreneur Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Entrepreneur - Research Paper Example Small opportunities are the beginning of great enterprises but it is often fraught with pitfalls and challenges (Solovic, 2004). This is precisely what Fashion Cafe faced in the 1990s. Fashion Cafe is a themed restaurant and according to a Dunn & Bradstreet publication, the failure rate of all restaurants is high and the failure rate of themed restaurants is even higher (Greer, 2008). About half a million businesses start-up each year and more than this number also fail each year. Reasons could vary across firms and sector but there are certain common mistakes that most entrepreneurs make. 1.2 Fashion Cafe Fashion Cafe, a glitzy theme restaurant, was founded in 1995 by Tommaso Buti and his wife. This was a theme-park restaurant with an animated environment and having a store on the side. This themed restaurant serving burgers and appetizers, was founded by supermodels and fashionistas. They offered and served $20 salad made exclusively for Naomi Campbell (Businesspundit, 2009). Fashi on Cafe was in the restaurant business which itself is tough, and the theme restaurants face even tougher challenges. Supermodels like Claudia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell, Elle Macpherson, and Christy Turlington joined hands with Tommaso Buti and the brain child was Fashion Cafe (Businesspundit, 2009). The vision behind the themed restaurant was to market food and sex as used to be with night clubs and restaurants. This time the owners planned it by way of offering burgers and chips to suit the body-conscious crowd. The theme was to use the girls as enticement and the entrepreneur thought that it would be easy to raise the money to foot their bill. Investors were easily attracted because each felt they owned the models. Because of the stars around the venture gained publicity on CNN and BBC. Buti raised $3 million within a short period and run only three restaurants – in New York, London and New Orleans (Berkman, 2011). Inside the restaurant lights flash, movies play and then th ere was a display of dresses, shoes and coats worn by the owners – the supermodels (Reichl, 1995). These could be bought at the store which was on the side. While the menu card was seven-pages the menus on the card demonstrated frugal meals to suit slim figures and models. At the same time, they planned to sell goods such as dresses and coats through the store in the side. Fashion Cafe was over-franchised and has been accused of mismanagement (Businesspundit, 2009). 1.3 Situation over time Staff paychecks were bouncing and they struggled to hire good people. They reached a state when suppliers refused to deliver on credit (Berkman, 2011). The entrepreneur siphoned out funds to create assets for himself. The restaurant spent too much on refurbishing instead of providing cash for day-today running expenses (Willock, 1998). Super models that had invested and had been attached to the chain started resigning one after the other. The Cafe did not allow the stakeholders access to th e accounts which goes against the norms of any company. The CEO Tommaso Buti has been accused of stealing funds from the company and diverting the corporate assets for personal benefits (Kelly, 1999). They have also been accused of defrauding the investors and the owners have been charged of wire fraud, conspiracy, money laundering and transporting of stolen property. The project had huge amount of investments with good financial backing but no business planning. It closed down three years after it was opened. 2. Reasons for failure 2.1

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How Families Deal with a Loved One Who Has Alzheimer's Research Paper

How Families Deal with a Loved One Who Has Alzheimer's - Research Paper Example Mild cognitive impairment is viewed as a form of forgetfulness attributed to ageing. While this disorder is a symptom of AD, it is not a must for people who suffer from mild cognitive impairment, to contract AD. Causes and Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease The well known risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease is old age, mostly when people hit the age of sixty years. It is not considered normal for aging people to suffer from the disease. It is also easier for one to have the disease if a close relative such as your sister or mother had suffered from the disease. One can also contract the disease if you happen to have certain genes that are linked with the disease. Other susceptible factors include suffering from blood pressure; however, this is yet to be proved. The disease is classified under two types which include the late and early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Late AD disease affects people who are at the age of 60 and above (â€Å"Coping with Alzheimer's disease,â₠¬  n.d.). The early onset of Alzheimer's disease is known to affect people before they attain the age of sixty. This type of disease has a fast rate of getting worse. The role of genes in this type of disease has already been established, that is why it is prevalent among family members. The common symptoms of the disease are associated with the functioning of the brain. One of the symptoms of this disease includes the individual’s inability to communicate properly. The patient will forget how to read or write or even talk. They also are emotional, increasingly aggressive and paranoid. This is as a result of increased memory loss. When the disease has progressed, Alzheimer's patients require assistance in almost all tasks which include bathing and dressing. They will often forget their relatives’ names and forget events that take place. Their judgments and thinking capacity reduce to a substantial level and they will not realize that they are in danger when something arises (Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Alzheimer's Association, n.d.). It reaches a point where the patient has to be taken care of all the time to ensure their safety. Recognizing early symptoms of the disease will ensure that the situation does not get out of hand. It is important for family members to recognize some attributes that could indicate onset of the disease. Symptoms such as loss of interest in activities that one was recently interested in is the first sign a family can identify (Brijnath, 2011). Forgetting one’s history can also be an early symptom of the disease. They will also execute tasks that require thinking for longer periods of time. When the family recognizes these symptoms, the patient should undergo a series of test to determine if they are suffering from AD (Sell, 2008). The tests will include a complete physical checkup with a mental examination. Family members of the affected person should ensure that the doctors check for brain tumor, severe depr ession, chronic infection or thyroid disease. An AD diagnosis is made when certain symptoms are present and other causes of dementia named above are not present. Taking care of the patient who suffers from the disease can be challenging (James, 2008). This is especially to the family members of the patient. It is important to ensure their safety and wellbeing and how to care for the patients will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs of this paper.